After several false starts, representatives of the 4DD group finally met with a Director of the HRA at our Sellindge site on Sunday 31 July 2022. The 4DD group joined the HRA in October last year. The Director explained the role of the HRA as a trade association and asked a number of questions about the 4DD group, such as insurance arrangements at the Sellindge site, Health and Safety policy on the site, protection policy for minors on the site. The Director described a tough future for Heritage Railways. More regulation and cost escalations are making life difficult for many such railways. He felt that the target for our restoration should be cosmetic. He thought the cost of restoration could be at least £100K or more. Volunteer labour is scarce and we would probably would have to employ contactors. The HRA could only provide general guidance on fund raising. The Director advised that the Association have a specialist who advises on fund raising and he suggested we contact him to seek guidance. They could only provide general guidance on PR. The 4DD group representatives outlined current plans for the unit and to move the unit at Northampton to Sellindge and protect both cars from further deterioration. We would like to erect some sort of shelter over the units to enable work to continue in any weather. The Director advised the group to develop network contacts so that they could be used to help with the work also to keep the web site up to date as the restoration develops

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